Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mama's Got a Brand New Blog

Now what to do with it? It seems almost everyone has a blog nowadays, but too many are blah blah blogging monologues. Will dialogues go the way of the dinosaurs? Will we all huddle alone around our flickering monitors, talking at the world from virtual soapboxes? Surely humanity doesn't need another mememememe blog. The best blogs are focused, but right now I can't think of much to write that I don't mind the whole world being able to read. But like it or not, technology-driven change is here to stay, transforming how we relate to each other. And it's growing at an exponential rate. This 23 1/2 things learning challenge is a great opportunity for non-techie newbies like me to keep reasonably up-to-date. So with a nudge from QL Learning, I'm taking the plunge and will do my damnedest to stay afloat. Sure beats drowning.