Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thing #14 -- Technorati

One could spend days learning all the fine points of Technorati and still only scratch the surface. I've been using Bloglines to keep track of the blogs in this learning challenge, but now that I've seen Technorati I think I'll switch over. Not only will it keep track of the blogs I'm interested in and access a list of the most popular blogs, Technorati uses "Discovery", an extensive tagging system which streamlines the process of locating blogs and blog entries with the use of tags. It also keeps track of up-to-the-minute traffic and "hits" to each blog, which is how the "Top 100 Blogs" are chosen. I didn't register my own blog, but if someone wants to promote his or her blog and increase traffic, Technorati has a great system for doing so, also involving tagging. I started using tags in my earliest posts and then gave up. Now I'm really starting to see the value and importance of tagging--something I'll definitely have to spend more time on when this challenge is over.

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