Monday, November 26, 2007

At Long Last, Play Time

I never thought I'd make it this far, but I have to admit it was a lot of fun playing with the online image generators. First I tried some of the suggested image generators. According to Chinese Name Generator, this is my name in Chinese. Who knows. I guess I'll have to take their word for it.

Next I moved on to the Custom Neon Sign Generator. At a loss for "custom text" I entered "Abandon hope all we enter here" as a test. This turned out to be way too long for all the neon sign templates. Here's one of Santa I found only mildly amusing But then an article in Sunday's Newsday reported a grassroots movement in Australia encouraging Santas to change the traditional "ho ho ho" to "ha ha ha" for obvious reasons. Suddenly the sign took on new meaning.

Still a little disappointed in this exercise, I searched for "image generators" on Google. Whoa! One could spend an entire lifetime playing with these babies. My favorites were from txt 2 pic. This looks like the motherlode of image generators and has tons of links to others. While I did have some nagging suspicions before this exercise that those hilarious billboards and signs circulating on the Internet might be faked, I really wanted to believe they were real. Now I feel so naive. First there's no Tooth Fairy, then no Easter Bunny or Santa and now we can't even trust pictures from the Internet!?! My innocence has been crushed.

Anyway, I chose the "comics" generator and finally found my favorite:

I couldn't figure out how to change the title.

And that's all folks, at least for tonight. Tomorrow, it's on to Library Thing.

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