Friday, November 30, 2007

Thing #12: Rolling Right Along with Rollyo

With Rollyo, anyone can make a personal "searchroll" of favorite websites or search engines for future one-stop searching. These searchrolls can then be accessed from any computer and either restricted for strictly personal viewing or made public so anyone can access them. Rollyo has an excellent search engine for finding new sites, example sites for generating ideas for new searchrolls, and a list of celebrity searchrolls, including those of Ariana Huffington and Debra Messing. There's even the search engine on string theory by physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe. What a great way for any researcher to compile search tools and information on a particular topic.

After browsing through some of the top-ranked searchrolls, I started a "private" one on a medical topic. Then inspired by the You Tube exercise, I began a public searchroll on "Online Video Sites" with 10 listings. Academics and researchers could really make use of Rollyo for making comprehensive webliographies. And of course it could also be an invaluable organizational tool for library professionals. I definitely give Rollyo a big thumbs up.

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